
Showing posts from May, 2022

Structure of metals

Structure and bonding in metals: Metals consist of giant structures of atoms arranged in a regular pattern. The electrons from the outer shell of the metal atoms are delocalised and are free to move through the whole structure. This sharing of Delocalised electrons results in a strong metallic bond. Metallic bond:  Metallic bonds formed when the charge is spread over a large distance as compared to the size of a single item in a solids. Mostly in the periodic table, left elements form metallic bonds, for example zinc and copper. Because metals are solid, their atoms are tightly packed in a regular arrangement. They are so close to each other so valence electrons can be moved away from their atoms. A sea of free, Delocalised electron is formed surrounding a lattice of positively charged metal ions.These ions are held by strong attractive forces to mobile electrons,in this way, metallic bonds are formed. Structure of metals: The three most common crystalline structures in metals are face

Definitions and concepts for IGCSE chemistry:

  Definitions and concepts for IGCSE chemistry: Acids bases and salts: 1. Acid : A chemical which can neutralize bases and will turn both litmus and methyl orange red. Acids will react with metals to produce salt and hydrogen and will react with carbonates to produce salt, water and carbon dioxide. Acids are proton donors. 2. Amphoteric : Able to act as an acid and a base. 3. Anion : A negatively charged ion formed when an atom gains at least one electron. 4. Base : A chemical which reacts with acids in neutralization reactions and will turn litmus blue and methyl orange yellow. Bases react with ammonium salts to produce salt, ammonia gas and water. Bases are proton acceptors. 5. Cation : A positively charged ion formed when an atom loses at least one electron. 6. Crystallization : A separation technique to soluble solids from solutions. The process involves heating the solution until crystals start to form, leaving the solution to cool and then filtering the formed crystals from the