
Showing posts with the label Analytical

What is analytical chemistry? What are the applications of it?

Analytical chemistry: Analytical chemistry studies and uses instruments and methods used to separate, identify and quantify matter in practice separation identification for qualification main constituent the entire analysis or be combined with another method. Separations isolates analytes. Qualitative analysis identifies analytes, while quantitative analysis determine the numerical amount or concentration. Analytical chemistry involves the following methods: The process of separation isolates the required chemical species which is to be analysed from a mixture. The concentration of the analyte in a given mixture can be determined with the method of quantitative analysis. The identification of the analyte substance is achieved via the method of qualitative analysis. The methods used to determine the identity and the quantity of the analytical chemistry can be broadly divided into classical and instrumental methods. 1.Classical methods: There exist many classical methods of checking for

Common Questions Asked in Interview for the post of Synthesis Chemist | Analytical Chemist | Quality Control Chemist

Question 1) What is Good manufacturing practices (GMP)? Answer:   Good manufacturing practices are regulation, codes, and guidelines for the manufacture of drug products, medical devices, in vitro and in vitro diagnostic products, foods. The term “cGMP” is used by the federal government as a current good manufacturing practice. Question 2) What is GLP? Answer:   GLP stands for Good Laboratory Practice. It is a quality control system used in research laboratories to ensure data integrity( i.e. data is generated under high quality and reproducible conditions). enable mutual acceptance of data between countries. Question 3) What are the Rules of lab safety? Answer:   Rule 1:WALK When going into the lab make sure to WALK. there will be no running in the lab. There will be materials and equipment out that can break if you accidentally knock into them. There may be electrical wires on the ground that you may trip over as well. DO NOT RUSH . Walk slowly and be careful.  Rule 2: PROPER LAB