
Showing posts with the label organic compounds

Metallurgy, properties of metals

Source: Internet Earth was born about 4.5 billion years ago. Various formative processes have been taking in the core of the earth and it's surroundings  since its creation today. These have resulted in the formation of various ores, liquids and gases.  Physical properties of metals: Metal exist mainly in solid state. The metals namely, Mercury and gallium exist in liquid state at room temperature. Metals posses luster. The metallic luster goes on decreasing due to exposure to atmospheric oxygen and moisture and also in presence of some reactive gases. We know that metals have the properties namely, ductility and malleability. Similarly, all metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. Generally, all metals are hard. However, the alkali metal from group 1 such as lithium, sodium and potassium are exceptions. These metals can be cut with knife as they are very soft. Metals have high melting and boiling points. For example, tungsten metal has the highest melting point (3422°C

What are biomolecules /carbohydrates? Classification of carbohydrates explanined in simple manner!

  A living system grows, sustain and reproduces itself. The most amazing things about a living system is that it is composed of non-living atoms and molecules. The pursuit of knowledge of what goes on chemically within a living system falls in the domain of biochemistry. Living systems are made up of various complex bio-molecules like carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, etc. Proteins and essential constituents of our food. These bio-molecules interact with each other and constitute the molecular logic of life vitamins and mineral salts also play an important role in the functions of organisms.  Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are primarily produced by plats and form a very large group of naturally occurring organic compounds. Some common examples are cane sugar, glucose, starch, etc. Most of them have a general formula, CX(H2O)y, and were considered as hydrates of carbon from where the name carbohydrates was derived. For e.g.the C6(H2O)6. But all the compounds which fit into

Organic chemistry in food industry

The term food industries covers a series of industrial activities directed at the processing preparation, conversion, preservation and packaging of foodstuffs. It is challenging to find an inclusive way from all aspects of food production and sale.The food industry today has become highly diversified, with manufacturing ranging from small,traditional that are highly labor intensive, to large and mechanized industrial processes.  Types of food industry: Major industries constituting the food processing industry are grains, sugar, beverages, dairy product and edible oil.The key sub-segments of the food processing industry in India are: Dairy, Fruits, and Vegetables, poultry and Meat processing.Food retail etc.  Role of Chemistry in food industry: Many of the chemicals found in a food occur naturally and include nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, fibre and a host of other elements and compounds. Chemical substances can play an important role in food production and prevention.