
Showing posts with the label biochemistry

Structure of metals

Structure and bonding in metals: Metals consist of giant structures of atoms arranged in a regular pattern. The electrons from the outer shell of the metal atoms are delocalised and are free to move through the whole structure. This sharing of Delocalised electrons results in a strong metallic bond. Metallic bond:  Metallic bonds formed when the charge is spread over a large distance as compared to the size of a single item in a solids. Mostly in the periodic table, left elements form metallic bonds, for example zinc and copper. Because metals are solid, their atoms are tightly packed in a regular arrangement. They are so close to each other so valence electrons can be moved away from their atoms. A sea of free, Delocalised electron is formed surrounding a lattice of positively charged metal ions.These ions are held by strong attractive forces to mobile electrons,in this way, metallic bonds are formed. Structure of metals: The three most common crystalline structures in metals are face

What are biomolecules /carbohydrates? Classification of carbohydrates explanined in simple manner!

  A living system grows, sustain and reproduces itself. The most amazing things about a living system is that it is composed of non-living atoms and molecules. The pursuit of knowledge of what goes on chemically within a living system falls in the domain of biochemistry. Living systems are made up of various complex bio-molecules like carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, etc. Proteins and essential constituents of our food. These bio-molecules interact with each other and constitute the molecular logic of life vitamins and mineral salts also play an important role in the functions of organisms.  Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are primarily produced by plats and form a very large group of naturally occurring organic compounds. Some common examples are cane sugar, glucose, starch, etc. Most of them have a general formula, CX(H2O)y, and were considered as hydrates of carbon from where the name carbohydrates was derived. For e.g.the C6(H2O)6. But all the compounds which fit into