What is analytical chemistry? What are the applications of it?

Analytical chemistry:

Analytical chemistry studies and uses instruments and methods used to separate, identify and quantify matter in practice separation identification for qualification main constituent the entire analysis or be combined with another method. Separations isolates analytes. Qualitative analysis identifies analytes, while quantitative analysis determine the numerical amount or concentration.

Analytical chemistry involves the following methods:
  • The process of separation isolates the required chemical species which is to be analysed from a mixture.
  • The concentration of the analyte in a given mixture can be determined with the method of quantitative analysis.
  • The identification of the analyte substance is achieved via the method of qualitative analysis.
The methods used to determine the identity and the quantity of the analytical chemistry can be broadly divided into classical and instrumental methods.

1.Classical methods:

  • There exist many classical methods of checking for the presence absence of a particular compound in a given analyte. One such example is the acid test for gold.
  • Another example of a classical mehod quality analysis is the Kastle-Meyer test which employs Phenolphthalein as an indicator to check for the presence of haemoglobin in the given analyte.
  • Flame test can be used to check for the presence of specific elements in an analyte by exposing it to flame and observing the change in the colour of the flame.
  • Gravimetric analysis is  a classical method of quantitative analysis, which can used in analytical chemistry to determine the amount of water in a hydrate by heating it and calculating the weight of the water.
  • One of the better known classical methods of quantitative analysis is volumetric analysis. In the titration method, a reactant is added to the analyte till an equivalence point is obtained.

2.Instrumental methods:

  • Spectroscopy involves the measurement of the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and the atoms or molecules belonging to a sample.
  • With the help of electric fields and magnetic fields, the method of mass spectroscopy is used to measure the ratio of the molecule to its charge.
  • A common instrumental method can be used in the field of analytical chemistry is electrochemical analysis. In this method, the analyte is placed in an electrochemical cell and the voltage or the current flowing through it is measured.

Types of analytical chemistry:

Quantitative analysis:

Quantitative analysis is a method of determining the absolute or relative quantity regarding the concentration of one or more substances present in a sample or compound.

Qualitative analysis:

Quality means the standard or the feature of one substance. Hence , qualitative analysis method deals with the determination of the quality of particular compound, irrespective of its quantity or concentration.

Importance of analytical chemistry:

The application of analytical chemistry are made in pharmaceutical industries, chemical industries, food factories, agriculture industries, and in laboratories.

Applications of Analytical chemistry:

Some important applications of analytical chemistry are listed below:
  • It is used to check for the presence of adulterant in drug.
  • Soil can be tested to check for appropriate concentrations of minerals and nutrients that are necessary for plant growth.
  • It also has many important applications in medicine, with its use in the testing of cholesterol and glucose levels in s blood sample.
  • Analytical chemistry is an integral part of forensic science, clinical analysis , and even environmental analysis.


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