Organic chemistry

Q.What is Organic chemistry?

Ans:Organic chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of carbon containing compounds, which including hydrocarbons but also compounds with any number of element, including hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, halogens, etc.

About Carbon -
In their outer shells, carbon atom have four electrons that can bond with other atoms. When carbon is bonded to to hydrogen, the carbon atom shares an electron with hydrogen and hydrogen likewise shares an electron with carbon. The compound containing carbon and hydrogen known as hydrocarbons.

Tetravalency of carbon-
The atomic number of carbon is 6 and its electronic configuration is 2,4 i.e it has 4 valence electrons. Thus carbon is always tetracovalent i.e it forms 4 covalent bonds with other atoms.

Due to tetravalency of carbon it has a tetrahedron shape.

Catenation- The self linking property of carbon is known as catenation. This is the main reason of existence of such large number of compounds.

Q What is Organic chemistry used for? 

Ans: Organic chemistry is highly creative science in which chemist create new molecules and explore the properties of existing.

Q.What is the purpose of organic chemistry?

Ans: Organic chemistry is important because it is the study of life and all of the chemical reactions related to life. Several careers apply an understanding of organic chemistry, such as doctors, veterinarian, dentists, pharmacologist, chemical engineers, and chemists.

Q. How does organic chemistry apply to everyday life? 

Ans: Organic chemistry plays an important part in our daily life because food, papers, cloths, soap, rubber, medicines, etc. are indispensable to us for paper living organic compounds are important constituents of manyp e.g paint, food, pesticides, explosive, etc.

Properties of Organic compounds:

The physical properties of organic compounds typically of interest include both quantitative and qualitative features. Quantitative information includes a melting point, boiling point and index of refraction. Qualitative properties include odour, consistancy, solubility and colour.

Q. How many reactions in organic chemistry?

Ans: There are five types of organic reactions.
1. Substitution Reactions-
In a substitution reaction, one atom or a group of atoms is substituted by another atom or a group of atoms to form a new substance.

2. Elimination reaction-
There are some reactions which involve the elimination or removal of the adjacent atoms. After these multiple bonds are formed and there is a release of small molecules as pelts.

3.  Addition reaction- 
Addition reaction is nothing but just the opposite of elimination reaction. In an addition reaction, the components A and B are added to the carbon-carbon multiple bonds and this is called addition reaction.

4. Radical reation-
Many of the Organic rectionsinvolve radicals. Addition of halogen to a saturated hydrocarbon involves free radical mechanism.There are three stages involved in a radical reaction i.e Initiation, propagation, and termination. 

5. Oxidation-Reduction reaction-
An oxidation-Reduction (redox) reaction is a type of chemical reaction that involves a transfer of electrons between two species. An oxidation-Reduction reaction is any chemical reaction in which the oxidation number of molecule, atom, or ion changes by gaining or losing an electron.

Q.What are the basics of organic chemistry?

One atom of carbon can combine with up four other atoms. Therefore, organic compounds usually are large and can have several atoms and molecules bonded together. Organic molecules can be large,and they comprise the structural components of living organisms: carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. 


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