30 Most Commonly Asked Definitions | Questions In Practical Interviews | Organic Chemist | Lab Chemist


1.Hydrocarbon: A compound composed only of carbon and hydrogen.

2.Functional group: The part of an organic molecule responsible for its chemical properties.

3.Aliphatic (Hydrocarbon): Carbon atom joined together in a straight or branched chain.

4.Alicyclic (Hydrocarbon): Carbon atom joined together in a ring (cyclic) structure.

5.Aromatic (Hydrocarbon): Some/ all of the carbon atoms are found in the benzene ring.

6.Molecular formula: The number and type of atom of each element present in a molecule.

7.Empirical formula: The simplest whole-number ratio of atoms of each element in a compound.

8.Displayed formula: Shows the relative positioning of atoms in a molecule and the bond between them.

9.Structural formula: Shows the arrangement of atom in a molecule.

10.Structural isomer: A compound with the same molecular formula, but different structural formula. 

11.Homolytic fission: When a covalent bond breaks and each of the bonded atoms takes one of the shared pair of electrons from the bond.

12.Heterolytic fission: When a covalent bond breaks and one of the atom takes both of the electrons from the bond.

13.Nucleophile: An Electron-pair donor.

14.Electrophile: An electron-pair acceptor.

15.Radical: An atom group of atoms with an unpaired electron.

16.Addition reaction: Where two reactors join together to form one product.

17.Substitution reaction: When an atoms is placed by a difference atoms.

18.Elimination reaction: When one reactant form two products.

19.Primary alcohol: When the -OH group is found at the end of the hydrocarbon chain.

20.Secondary alcohol: When the -OH group is in the middle of the hydrocarbon chain and the carbon it is bonded to 2 other carbon atoms.

21.Tertiary alcohol: When the -OH group in the middle of the hydrocarbon chain and the carbon it is bonded to 3 other carbon atom.

22.Asymmetry: A term applied an object or molecule that does not possess symmetry.

23.Buffer solution: A solution of definite pH made up in such a way that the pH alters only gradually with the addition of an acid or a base.

24.Bond energy: The energy required to break a particular bond by a homolytic process.

25.Chirality: A term which may be applied to any asymmetric object or molecule.The property of non-identity of an object with its mirror image.

26.Ion: An atom or group of atoms that has lost or gained one or more electrons to become a charged species.

27.Condensation: Condensation is the change of water from its gaseous form(water vapour) into liquid water.

28.Recrystallization: Recrystallization is laboratory technique used to purify solids based on their different solubilities.

29.Reduction: Reduction is a chemical reaction that involves the gaining of electrons by one of the atoms involved in the reaction between two elements.

30.pH: pH may be defined as a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ion that are present in any solution.


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