
Organic chemistry

Q.What is Organic chemistry? Ans: Organic chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of carbon containing compounds, which including hydrocarbons but also compounds with any number of element, including hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, halogens, etc. About Carbon - In their outer shells, carbon atom have four electrons that can bond with other atoms. When carbon is bonded to to hydrogen, the carbon atom shares an electron with hydrogen and hydrogen likewise shares an electron with carbon. The compound containing carbon and hydrogen known as hydrocarbons. Tetravalency of carbon- The atomic number of carbon is 6 and its electronic configuration is 2,4 i.e it has 4 valence electrons. Thus carbon is always tetracovalent i.e it forms 4 covalent bonds with other atoms. Due to tetravalency of carbon it has a tetrahedron shape. Catenation - The self linking property of carbon is known as catenation. This is the main reason of existence of such larg

How to prevent COVID - 19 ?

  Which chemical is used for sanitization? Alternative compounds that release chlorine and are used in the health-care setting include demand release chlorine dioxide, sodium dichloroisocyanurate, and chloramine-T. The advantage of these compounds over the hypochlorites is that they retain chorine longer and so exert a more prolonged bactericidal effect.  To prevent CORONA Disease we should follow Some steps, which are as follows: Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. Always wash immediately after removing gloves and after contact with a person who is sick.   It's especially important to wash: 1. Before eating or preparing food  2. Before touching your face 3. After leaving a public place 4. After handling your mask 5. After caring someone sick 6. After touching animals or pets   Use Hand sanitizer: If soap and water are not available and hands are not visibly dirty, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol may be used. However, if hand

Chemistry in Kitchen |What is the ROLE of CHEMISTRY in the Kitchen?

The experiments in Kitchen chemistry sets go beyond the ratio of ingredients, incorporating acid/ base reactions (like baking soda and vinegar), the effects of heat, states of matter, crystal formation, and other principles. One common experiment is making rock candy, which is simply a colored crystal formed from sugar molecules crystallizing out of a supersaturated sugar solution. This effect is achieved by dissolving sugar in warm water until the solution is saturated. (meaning no more sugar can dissolve) As the mixture cools, a single crystal causes a chain reaction that transforms the entire solution into solid crystal. What chemicals are used in the kitchen? Here are some chemicals in the kitchen used for cleaning.  1. Ammonia  2. Sodium hypo chloride  3. Chlorine  4. Carbon  5. Sulphuric acid  What is the ROLE of CHEMISTRY in the Kitchen?  The role of chemistry in the kitchen is highly significant. We can interpret almost all the activities of the kitchen as simply as well as com

Alcohol and Cardiovascular Disease

How Alcohol can damage the cardiovascular system The heart and blood vessels form part of the cardiovascular system. Blood is pumped around the body by the heart, via these blood vessels through arteries, capillaries, and veins. The blood delivers nutrients and other materials to all parts of the body, including alcohol, which is absorbed directly into the bloodstream mainly via the stomach and small intestine. The Cardiovascular system is affected by alcohol. At the time of drinking, alcohol can cause a temporary increase in heart rate and blood pressure. In the long term, drinking above the guideline can lead to an on-going increase in heart rate, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat. All of which increase the risk of alcohol cause heart attack and stroke. What Cardiovascular disease can alcohol cause? Heart Attack      Your heart muscle needs oxygen so it can keep pumping. A heart attack is when an artery supplying oxygen to the heart muscle is reduced or cut off completely, pre

Do you know what is ammonium nitrate? and why it is so dangerous?

Ammonium nitrate Introduction Definition      Ammonium nitrate is a crystalline white solid. Its made in large quantity industrially by the reaction of ammonia with concentrated nitric acid. The industrial production of ammonium nitrate entails the acid-base reaction of ammonia with nitric acid.  NH3 + HNO3  →  NH4NO3 Ammonia is used in its anhydrous form (a gas) and nitric acid is concentrated. After the solution is formed, typically at about 83% concentration, the excess water is evaporated off to leave an ammonium nitrate(AN) content of 95% to 99.9% concentration(AN melt), depending on grade. The AN melt is then made into “prills” or small beads in spray tower, or into granules by spraying and tumbling in a rotating drum. The prills or granules may be further dried, cooled, and then coated to prevent caking. These prills or granules are the typical AN products in commerce. Applications Ammonium nitrate is an important fertilizer with NPK rating 34-0-0 (34% nitrogen). It is less c

What is NMR? What is Spectrometer? What is Chemical shift?

Introduction NMR spectroscopy is the most powerful tool available for organic structure determination. It is used to study a wide variety of nuclei. The most common type of NMR: Proton and Carbon-13 1 H   NMR (PMR): To determine the type and number of carbon of H atoms and spatial arrangement of them in a molecule.   13 C  NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR) is a physical phenomenon in which nuclei in a magnetic field absorb and re-emit electromagnetic radiation. (CMR): To determine the type and number of carbon atoms and spatial arrangement of them in a molecule. The source of energy in NMR is radio waves which have long wavelengths (75-0.5m), and thus low energy and frequency (4-600MHz).  Principles of NMR The theory behind NMR comes from a spin of a nucleus and it generates a magnetic field. Without an external applied magnetic field, the nuclear spins are random in directions. But when an external magnetic field (H0), is present the nuclei align themselves either with or a

Common Questions Asked in Interview for the post of Synthesis Chemist | Analytical Chemist | Quality Control Chemist

Question 1) What is Good manufacturing practices (GMP)? Answer:   Good manufacturing practices are regulation, codes, and guidelines for the manufacture of drug products, medical devices, in vitro and in vitro diagnostic products, foods. The term “cGMP” is used by the federal government as a current good manufacturing practice. Question 2) What is GLP? Answer:   GLP stands for Good Laboratory Practice. It is a quality control system used in research laboratories to ensure data integrity( i.e. data is generated under high quality and reproducible conditions). enable mutual acceptance of data between countries. Question 3) What are the Rules of lab safety? Answer:   Rule 1:WALK When going into the lab make sure to WALK. there will be no running in the lab. There will be materials and equipment out that can break if you accidentally knock into them. There may be electrical wires on the ground that you may trip over as well. DO NOT RUSH . Walk slowly and be careful.  Rule 2: PROPER LAB